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    Local Real Estate Development Digest

    July 11, 2023
    Colorado Digest

    Colorado Housing Market News: Affordable and Multifamily Development

    What’s New in Colorado: Colorado real estate developers are pushing forward on two exciting residential projects this... Continue Reading
    July 6, 2023
    New York Digest

    Residential Development Shapes Brooklyn Real Estate Market This Summer

    What’s New in New York: Real estate developers are wrapping up several new residential mixed-use developments in... Continue Reading
    July 4, 2023
    Texas Digest

    Houston Real Estate News: Corporate Migration Drives Office Demand

    What's New in Houston: Since the onset of the pandemic, demand for commercial office space has drastically declined... Continue Reading
    June 29, 2023
    Utah Digest

    Salt Lake City Developers Work on Build-To-Rent Communities and More

    Development Updates in Utah: Despite economic headwinds, Utah real estate developers are pushing forward on several... Continue Reading
    June 27, 2023
    California Digest

    Real Estate Developers in Los Angeles Remain Hard at Work This Summer

    Development Updates in Los Angeles: This month, Los Angeles developers are working hard on new affordable rental... Continue Reading
    June 22, 2023
    New York Digest

    New York Developers Unveil Upcoming High-Rise and Office Projects

    What’s New in New York: Several exciting residential, office, and commercial real estate projects are kicking off in... Continue Reading
    June 20, 2023
    Florida Digest

    The Central Florida Real Estate Market Is Heating Up This Summer

    Development Updates in Florida: Florida’s real estate market is booming this summer, with several residential and... Continue Reading
    June 15, 2023
    Texas Digest

    The Housing Market in San Antonio Remains Hot Amid Population Growth

    What’s New in San Antonio: Real estate developers are flocking to San Antonio with hopes of capitalizing on a growing... Continue Reading
    June 13, 2023
    Massachusetts Digest

    Boston Real Estate Developers Unveil Diverse Group of Summer Projects

    What’s New in Boston: As Boston real estate developers welcome the first rays of sunshine this summer, several firms... Continue Reading
    June 8, 2023
    Colorado Digest

    Colorado Housing Market: Two Residential Project Plans Released

    Development Updates in Colorado: Despite today's economic headwinds, real estate developers are pushing forward on two... Continue Reading

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