Jacksonville Real Estate Market: The Heart of a Growing City

Jacksonville’s downtown is set to undergo revitalization led by the Jacksonville Downtown Investment Authority.

What’s New?

Several development firms in Jacksonville, including JWB Real Estate Capital, Corner Lot Development, Iguana Investments, and Jax Chamber are working together to create a vision for Downtown Jacksonville.

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Block One Ventures has purchased its largest lot of land to date, seeking to create 1000+ multi-family units near the Dublin park community.

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Downtown growth is a primary focus in Jacksonville to enhance the quality of life in the city. As more people relocate to downtown to be closer to their offices, street life is beginning to flourish. This is creating a positive feedback loop that, in turn, improves the city. All of this is positive for developers looking to get into the multi-family rental space.

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The Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) has initiated a two-part plan that involves both increasing the number of people living downtown and increasing street front activation via ground floor retail spaces and restaurants.  

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Exciting Projects Transforming Jacksonville

Related group is building a Condo at Jacksonville beach. It’s the first condo to come up in 15 years there and has sold out before even breaking ground, showing very strong demand.

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Block one has secured permits for a new apartment building in the South Bank area of downtown Jacksonville.

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The Jacksonville Jaguars’ new performance center was approved by the city’s Building Inspections Division. The project’s $120 million price tag is split between the Jaguars and the city. The goal of building this new facility is to ensure that the Jaguars are an enticing team to play for. 

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