Indianapolis’ Latest Development Driven by Young Professionals

Indianapolis continues to draw a population of young professionals with its affordability, major league sports teams, seasonal weather, and more. The city’s latest slate of development projects reflects the shifting demographics, with plenty of mixed-use residential designed to promote walkability. Young workers, who come to Indianapolis for employment opportunities and because living costs are lower than in other major cities, have encouraged developers to pursue vibrant urban projects in the region. 

Here’s a closer look at the development revving up in Indianapolis to meet the growing population of young workers: 

The Midtown Indianapolis Project

To meet the demand for affordable housing, the Midtown Indy Project is looking to transform two properties at 42nd Street and College Avenue. Before redevelopment can move forward, the parcels must be rezoned and affiliated agencies have already determined the spaces are no longer needed for the current zoned uses. The sites are intended to be mixed-use developments, including residential units, retail spaces, and spaces for community organizations. Rental housing is expected to be affordable, and residents will be able to easily access public transit, such as the red line of the IndyGo Rapid Bus. 

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The Eleven Park Project in Indianapolis

Indy Eleven and Keystone Group have signaled the ambitious Eleven Park project could open as early as Fall of 2026. The project, anchored by a 20,000-person multipurpose stadium, will bring to the city over 600 apartments, 205,00 square feet of office space, over 197,000 square feet of retail space, and public parks. Developers broke ground in June of 2023, and people in Indianapolis may be able to start using this exciting new downtown space in just a couple of years. 

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The “Wells Street Wedge” Development in Fort Wayne

The City of Fort Wayne recently announced plans for a new $45 million development along the Saint Mary’s River in Fort Wayne. Indianapolis-based developer Barrett Realty Investments is behind the project, which includes 111 units of market-rate housing, a public parking garage with 236 spaces, and 3,300 feet of ground retail space. Fort Wayne officials anticipate the project will help contribute to community growth, drawing new residents to the area. 

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