Are ADU’s (detached or attached self-contained dwelling units intended for occupation by a separate person(s) other than the homeowner of the main home) going to be the solution to Hawaii’s housing shortage? Other jurisdictions have adopted policies encouraging ADU construction. Since the 1980s Hawaii has allowed this type of construction. Currently, over 7000 of these units exist across the state.
Development Updates in Hawaii
Honolulu based developer, Alakai Development, will no longer purchase 20 acres of land from China Oceanwide Holdings. China Oceanwide also has 2 other parcels on the market. Both of these sites are adjacent to what will be an Atlantis Resort, the first in Hawaii.
On Kauai, a luxury condo project is now under scrutiny by local community members and environmentalists. Beneath the proposed development site are caverns inhabited by the endangered blind spiders. Additionally there may be ancient burial grounds in the area as well. Another issue being raised is that the luxury condo project is being scrutinized by locals as doing nothing to help address the affordable housing shortage for local residents.