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    Commercial Real Estate Needs to Rethink Its Relationship With Excel

    Companies are starting to run into issues with this once tried-and-true software.

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    Commercial real estate relies almost exclusively on spreadsheet applications to manage financial performance, everything from budgets to invoice remittance to forecasting.

    In this white paper, discover why commercial real estate investors and developers need to explore alternatives and find technology that better aligns with modern needs. 

    Download the white paper to uncover: 

    • The problem with overreliance on excel in commercial real estate
    • How new technology offers a more effective alternative
    • Why commercial real estate developers are making a change

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    Real estate is a dynamic industry. Things are constantly changing day to day, and having a modern platform that accounts for those changes gives our teams in the field the ability to review those changes and make those adjustments on the fly.

    Clayton Harman Asst. VP Finances, Crawford Hoying